Cod Bag ® Codfish Loins (1kg)


Soaking dried, salted codfish made easy, the simple way to soak a cured cod.

With the Cod Bag ® from Terra do Bacalhau, you can now easily soak the cured codfish at home without taking it out of the packaging. An innovative and convenient idea. Sealed, without smell.

Loins from the genuine salted, dried codfish from Norway, without bones, manufactured by hand from fresh raw material, and cured for 9 months using only salt.

This Cod bag contains 1kg of boneless codfish loins, ready to be soaked and that flakes deliciously after preparing.

SKU: 100002 Category:



Recommended soaking time is between 3 to 4 days in the refridgerator, changing the water once a day.

Recipe suggestions

Bacalhau à Braga (Fried Codfish, fried potatoes, onions with red and green peppers); Bacalhau assado na brasa (Grilled Codfish); Bacalhau com todos (Boiled Codfish, potatoes, carrots, chickpeas and egg); Bacalhau com crosta de broa (Codfish with bread baked in the oven); Bacalhau à Lagareiro (Codfish with olive oil and garlic baked in the oven); Bacalhau assado com chouriço e feijão (Codfish with chorizo and beans baked in the oven)

Additional information

Weight 1 kg

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